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Standards of Mathematical Practices - Part 1

The eight mathematical practices give guidance to our math instruction, assessment, and tasks that we create for our students to develop a deep understanding of mathematics. As you are developing your units and resources, make sure that you are incorporating the practices into each of your units. The practices are found at the beginning of the standards document. Incorporating all the mathematical practices into your instructional tasks over a unit will provide opportunities for students to demonstrate mastery of the content of a unit and help to solidify the learning for your students.

TNReady tests utilize the eight mathematical practices within the tests. As math item writers develop the questions, the mathematical practices will be infused into the questions. Mathematical Practice #5: Use appropriate tools strategically could be tested on the calculator section of the test by asking questions in which the calculator could help provide the answer in a quick amount of time. If the student does not know how or when to use the calculator appropriately, then he/she will probably take longer then they need on the question. In this situation, the student might not finish the test due to the fact that they are not using the tool strategically. This is just one example of how a mathematical practice can be infused into a question.

Mathematics Item Types

A full description of each the following item types is in your grade level's math blueprint.

Multiple Choice

Multiple Select

Fill in the blank

Integrated Items

Two-part items

1. Type 1 - The two parts work independently of each other.

2. Type 2 - The two parts are dependent on each other.


Matching Table

Drop-Down Menu [EOC only]

Food for Thought:

As you meet in your PLC and discuss student work, think about the following question.

Did we assess each of the mathematical practices on our last summative assessment? [PLC Essential Question #2]

About Me

My name is Chris Greene. I am in my 20th year of teaching. This is my first year as the STEM Instructional Coach for Hamblen County Schools in TN. I am creating this blog to provide information, ideas, resources, and ask thought provoking questions for our teachers. 

Website containing resources to enhance your math and science lessons.

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